The Pre-Algebra class that I observe for uses the text Math Matters 2. The book is organized very well and gives clear examples for the students to follow for their homework. The book is easy to teach from, has a nice layout, and gives a good mix of homework problems ranging from easy to hard for the students to try. My personal experience with the book was teaching slope to the students; the book laid the lesson out in easy steps for me to teach and for the students to follow. My cooperating teacher really likes it and from what I can tell, I would recommend it to teachers also.
Not only is this book excellently outlined, but a computer program comes with it that can be projected onto the board. The program has every page that is in the students book. This allows my cooperating teacher to pull up the homework page really quick and the whole class can view it (good in case a student forgot their book). By using the Mobi, my cooperating teacher can do the problems really efficiently. It is so much easier to look up at the board, where the problems are being done, then to keep looking down at the book to see the problem. This computer program seems to work great for the students and the teacher. It is definitely a good addition to the book.