Sunday, July 18, 2010


Lightspeed Systems is like a second Facebook; it allows students to share information with each other and their teachers safely. This is an outstanding invention; Facebook is often blocked at schools because of "safety". With Lightspeed, students can communicate only to each other, not strangers. It seems like a great portal for teacher-student communication and student-student communication.
My Big Campus is a safe portal that allows teachers to post videos, assignments, and set up classes on it. This is a great way to share information between teachers of different school districts. It's also a great way for students to talk to each other if they are working on a project together. It is great for students to get in touch with their teachers if they have a question about an assignment or project assigned to them.
Students like using Facebook so it is good that there is a Facebook like program for them to use. There needs to be more safe programs for educators and students to use. For example there is a teacher's Youtube that won't be blocked on school grounds. Technology is a great invention and I believe it should be utilized anyway that is possible. Students need safe sites and educators need to be able to access sites on school grounds. I know more safe sites will pop up in the future.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Instant Messaging

We have continuously heard about instant messaging affecting the way students these days write. They do everything shorthand while instant messaging and it seems to rub off when they do their papers for school. What happens when students get in the work field and type "I luv 2 do paintin" on their resume? It's going to cause them their job unfortunately. If people do not get out this bad habit now, there are going to be many consequences in the professional field later on in life. I know as a student that it is frustrating to be typing a paper and have to constantly fix spelling errors because I am so used to typing shorthand while texting or instant messaging.
It has it's disadvantages as well as it's advantages. At least students are typing more and getting some help in spelling other words that they do not make shorthand. Students are learning the keyboard more so they can easily find the keys when typing a research paper etc. Lets face it; no one wants spelling errors in their professional papers so students should try to keep shorthand to a minimum and be cautious when typing important papers. This will make life a lot simpler for students as well as teachers and business associates.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Convenient Cognite

There is an awesome program called Cognite; it is so extraordinary that a library basically isn't needed anymore. It brings the library to the classroom and can be used at home. It allows teachers to talk to teachers and students! There is no need to go to a library because tons of books and databases can be accessed through Cognite. Cognite is a downloadable program that I think is well worth buying for a school district. It has the opportunity to open up so many doors for students and teachers and will make finding articles a lot easier.
The down side that a lot of people might think of is the librarians position. Would librarians at schools lose their jobs? What if the program made libraries all the country shut down? I think if school districts or libraries got this program then librarians could still have a job showing people or students how to use the program to find information. Then writers would still have a job but not necessarily with books, but rather with e-books perhaps.
This program can do pretty much everything; from finding a book to allowing students to do their homework etc. through the program. It is definitely worth looking into for school districts and probably will be bought to use in many schools in the next year or so.

Monday, July 5, 2010

What's the point of technology?

Why has technology become so important in classrooms today? Why is it so demanded and needed? What is the point of it? The most important reason to use technology for school is Research. Technology makes research so incredibly easy to find and utilize versus sixty years ago, even ten years ago! If students today had to go to a library and spend hours looking through books to find information on a subject they would never do any assignments. Students today are already lazy enough; technology makes it easier for them to find info quickly and accurately.

Another important reason for technology to be in the classroom is because of its ability to enhance learning. It can help teachers visually show students the inside of a heart instead of just talking to them about it. Tech helps to allow students to have full advantage of knowledge out in the world today, unlike the old days when they could only learn what their teacher knew.

A third important reason for technology to be used in school is for outside teacher-student communication. Tech allows teachers and students to be able to e-mail each other about questions a student might have on an assignment. It also allows the teacher to communicate with parents easier. The teacher can use tech to assign assignments online if they wanted to. Overall tech opens up a whole new world of opportunities for students education.