Friday, July 9, 2010

Convenient Cognite

There is an awesome program called Cognite; it is so extraordinary that a library basically isn't needed anymore. It brings the library to the classroom and can be used at home. It allows teachers to talk to teachers and students! There is no need to go to a library because tons of books and databases can be accessed through Cognite. Cognite is a downloadable program that I think is well worth buying for a school district. It has the opportunity to open up so many doors for students and teachers and will make finding articles a lot easier.
The down side that a lot of people might think of is the librarians position. Would librarians at schools lose their jobs? What if the program made libraries all the country shut down? I think if school districts or libraries got this program then librarians could still have a job showing people or students how to use the program to find information. Then writers would still have a job but not necessarily with books, but rather with e-books perhaps.
This program can do pretty much everything; from finding a book to allowing students to do their homework etc. through the program. It is definitely worth looking into for school districts and probably will be bought to use in many schools in the next year or so.

1 comment:

  1. I've never heard of Cognite, so thanks so much for sharing! I'd love to see it in action in a school. It sound fantastic, but I certainly see the downside of the need for librarians. Libraries are already hurting enough. I wish there was a better way to integrate tech with libraries where people wouldn't fear their jobs were at risk...
