This is a Math Lab sheet that hangs in my cooperating teachers classroom. Math Lab is an awesome thing that I never had in high school and I think every high school should offer this. This paper shows the teacher and room that math lab will be held in every period. Math Lab allows the students to go to this particular teachers classroom during their study hall or lunch and get math help. In math lab students can have review sessions with the teacher, work on their math homework and ask questions, work with partners to help each other understand etc. It is just an awesome way to offer extra math help all day long to the students who need it.
On Wednesdays I come into the math lab and help out the students as well. A lot actually show up and its more relaxing for them to be able to do their work at a leisurely pace. My cooperating says he notices an improvement in the grades of those who come to get help. I am very pleased with this system; it allows the students to work with the teacher of their choice (unless class conflicts). I like that it's offered all day long and it's not just one teachers responsiblity; all the math teachers work together to help out. I would recommend this to any school if a lot of the students are doing poorly in math.
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