Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Troublemaker is Gone

The troublemaker that I mentioned in an earlier post will not be returning to the high school. After numerous situations with him, my cooperating teacher gave me a note on the last day I was there that said the troublemaker has now been enrolled in a behavioral school. It' is really a sad situation; he was a very smart student if he would have just applied himself and stopped acting so immature. He was constantly causing scenes and getting in fights with students. This probably is the best option for him and I hope he now realizes how good he had it at his high school. My cooperating teacher was happy about his leaving and I'm sure the students will be too once they find out he's not returning. There are just some students that cannot be helped or changed. They have to realize that they have a problem and they have to want to get help.

Students these days do not try to act their age; they try to make school as bad as possible for their classmates and teachers. This troublemaker has a long road ahead of him now; I feel bad for him because I honestly do not think he had a proper upbringing and that is why he is the way he is. Hopefully this new school helps him and maybe he will even be allowed to return to his old school after a year or so.

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