Sunday, July 18, 2010
My Big Campus is a safe portal that allows teachers to post videos, assignments, and set up classes on it. This is a great way to share information between teachers of different school districts. It's also a great way for students to talk to each other if they are working on a project together. It is great for students to get in touch with their teachers if they have a question about an assignment or project assigned to them.
Students like using Facebook so it is good that there is a Facebook like program for them to use. There needs to be more safe programs for educators and students to use. For example there is a teacher's Youtube that won't be blocked on school grounds. Technology is a great invention and I believe it should be utilized anyway that is possible. Students need safe sites and educators need to be able to access sites on school grounds. I know more safe sites will pop up in the future.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Instant Messaging
It has it's disadvantages as well as it's advantages. At least students are typing more and getting some help in spelling other words that they do not make shorthand. Students are learning the keyboard more so they can easily find the keys when typing a research paper etc. Lets face it; no one wants spelling errors in their professional papers so students should try to keep shorthand to a minimum and be cautious when typing important papers. This will make life a lot simpler for students as well as teachers and business associates.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Convenient Cognite
The down side that a lot of people might think of is the librarians position. Would librarians at schools lose their jobs? What if the program made libraries all the country shut down? I think if school districts or libraries got this program then librarians could still have a job showing people or students how to use the program to find information. Then writers would still have a job but not necessarily with books, but rather with e-books perhaps.
This program can do pretty much everything; from finding a book to allowing students to do their homework etc. through the program. It is definitely worth looking into for school districts and probably will be bought to use in many schools in the next year or so.
Monday, July 5, 2010
What's the point of technology?
Another important reason for technology to be in the classroom is because of its ability to enhance learning. It can help teachers visually show students the inside of a heart instead of just talking to them about it. Tech helps to allow students to have full advantage of knowledge out in the world today, unlike the old days when they could only learn what their teacher knew.
A third important reason for technology to be used in school is for outside teacher-student communication. Tech allows teachers and students to be able to e-mail each other about questions a student might have on an assignment. It also allows the teacher to communicate with parents easier. The teacher can use tech to assign assignments online if they wanted to. Overall tech opens up a whole new world of opportunities for students education.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Math and Smartboards
Some things you can do on a Smartboard to help make Math go smoother is: make a chart to graph on, use a table to have a matching game, use the protractor to show different angles at the drop of a hat that are perfectly correct, Smartboard has a ton of symbols ranging from derivative signs to matrice tables. There are algebra, derivative, statistics, geometry, matrices, trig, and sets categories filled with different things to pull up to help make a lesson easier.
The Smartboard can really be helpful to the teacher because it will display all these symbols neatly and properly without a lot of effort. This way the teacher doesn't have to take up thirty minutes writing equations on the board; it can be pre-made and laid out exactly how the teacher wishes. It makes a lot of sense; teachers should at least give it a try to see if it helps the students pay attention and learn better.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
The Troublemaker is Gone
Students these days do not try to act their age; they try to make school as bad as possible for their classmates and teachers. This troublemaker has a long road ahead of him now; I feel bad for him because I honestly do not think he had a proper upbringing and that is why he is the way he is. Hopefully this new school helps him and maybe he will even be allowed to return to his old school after a year or so.
Monday, April 12, 2010
This is a Math Lab sheet that hangs in my cooperating teachers classroom. Math Lab is an awesome thing that I never had in high school and I think every high school should offer this. This paper shows the teacher and room that math lab will be held in every period. Math Lab allows the students to go to this particular teachers classroom during their study hall or lunch and get math help. In math lab students can have review sessions with the teacher, work on their math homework and ask questions, work with partners to help each other understand etc. It is just an awesome way to offer extra math help all day long to the students who need it.
On Wednesdays I come into the math lab and help out the students as well. A lot actually show up and its more relaxing for them to be able to do their work at a leisurely pace. My cooperating says he notices an improvement in the grades of those who come to get help. I am very pleased with this system; it allows the students to work with the teacher of their choice (unless class conflicts). I like that it's offered all day long and it's not just one teachers responsiblity; all the math teachers work together to help out. I would recommend this to any school if a lot of the students are doing poorly in math.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Care in Education
Monday, April 5, 2010
Students in the Classroom
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Math Matters
The Pre-Algebra class that I observe for uses the text Math Matters 2. The book is organized very well and gives clear examples for the students to follow for their homework. The book is easy to teach from, has a nice layout, and gives a good mix of homework problems ranging from easy to hard for the students to try. My personal experience with the book was teaching slope to the students; the book laid the lesson out in easy steps for me to teach and for the students to follow. My cooperating teacher really likes it and from what I can tell, I would recommend it to teachers also.
Not only is this book excellently outlined, but a computer program comes with it that can be projected onto the board. The program has every page that is in the students book. This allows my cooperating teacher to pull up the homework page really quick and the whole class can view it (good in case a student forgot their book). By using the Mobi, my cooperating teacher can do the problems really efficiently. It is so much easier to look up at the board, where the problems are being done, then to keep looking down at the book to see the problem. This computer program seems to work great for the students and the teacher. It is definitely a good addition to the book.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
The School Enviornment
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
A Different Type of Students
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Manuvering the Mobi
The Mobi is an excellent device for a math class. The Mobi can be hooked up to the teachers computer and then projected onto the screen for the whole class to see. The teacher can use the pen along with the program to draw triangles or numbers or even type text. It can do anything and it makes it very neat for the students to see. My cooperating teacher loves it because he can sit at his desk in his comfy chair and teach the whole lesson. This way he doesn't have to stand up at the board and get in the way of some students view. He also likes it because if he draws a really bad triangle the Mobi automatically makes it look nice with straight lines.
It's a lot to figure out and I know the first time he used it, he took up a lot of important class time to draw and label three triangles. Now that he has the hang of it, I can see how useful it is and the class also really seems to pay attention to it more. Now it takes less time to do a lesson instead of taking time to erase the board etc. You do not actually ever write on the Mobi, it just senses how you move the pen on the screen of the Mobi and then puts it on the computer so it's really funny to see him writing on it because his hand moves so fast and it makes no sense. The kids enjoy making fun of his bad writing and it makes math more fun to do. I would definitely consider using it in my classroom when I become a teacher, it is an amazing invention.